Tuesday 5 December 2017

What Is SEO: A worthy tool for your website, blog, youtube channel And Digital Marketing.

If you are a blogger or a website owner or youtuber. You must have heard about SEO. It's full form is Search Engine Optimisation. It means that;
" A search engine optimization (SEO) is a tool or technique in which a person optimizes  it's contents to get it in the first search results of a search engine" . It is often reffered as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results".
The contents may be texts, videos, images, musics, documents, apps, etc. Google or many other search engines like yahoo, Bing, Askjeevs, etc uses a Web crawler technique to filter the results that you are using in your search terms. These web crawlers are also known as spiders or robots. They continuously scan the Internet and indexed the websites presents on the Internet. They also use certain complex algorithms that they use in their search results. A SEO aims to the different search terms like image search, video search, docs and acadoc search, news search, etc
Parts of SEO:-
Basically there are two parts of SEO On page SEO and off page SEO. But if you want to know in detail you should group it into four parts.
• On - page SEO
• Technical SEO
• Off page SEO
• Local SEO
On page SEO: "On page SEO refers to things that involve in the optimising of the actual web page for search".
It aims in the optimization of the contents and keywords. When you are doing on page SEO you should keep in your mind the following things:-
• Contents
• Keywords selection and placement
• Design
• Layout
When doing on page SEO you should choose the opportunity  topics that your Web traffic or visitors want to see. You should not have to choose the keyword based on the volume of searches. Often saying you should choose a keyword that you have to rank and secure the traffic for them.
Technical SEO: "It refers to optimizing your website so that the search engine can easily crawl or find your website on the internet".
When you are creating a new website it is important to consider all part of your website and how they correlate with SEO.
For example, if your website speed is slow, your website might lose significant traffice. Having a good knowledge of technical SEO can prevent you from these mistakes. For doing technical SEO you should consider the following terms
• Structure of your website
• Structure of your link
• Meta Tags
• Usability and user friendly
• Indexibility
• Image optimization
• Site speed
• Code
• Errors
• And schema
"Technical SEO is the part of on page SEO".
Off page SEO: "Off page SEO are the techniques to improve your website's rank".
Off page SEO involves the link building, but link building is only a practice of securing high quality and securing backlinks to your website.
Backlinks: "The backlinks are the links from other websites to your website/web resource".
The backlinks plays a key role in off page SEO.
There are numerous ways by which you can create your backlinks. They are:-
• Social bookmarking
• Blogs and forum commenting
• Content marketing/advertising
• Social media
• Link outreach
• Guest posts
• Interviews
• And infographics
If you are using high quality and relent backlinks, then it indicates to search engines that your website's contents are valuable and you are a reliable and trusted scource of knowledge. But be aware to not submit your links on low quality sites or bad blogs or social bookmarking sites. A backlinks can increase your traffic to your website or blogs it also increase your domain and page authority and chances to increase visibility of your site.
Local SEO: 

"A local SEO is a technique in which you optimizes your contents and keywords based on the search results of the location".
In this case you combine your search terms with geo-targeted keywords like in city, near me, around me, where it is situated, etc.
Black hat SEO: "A black hat SEO is a techniques of optimizing a content that is not valuable to visitors".
I hope that you have satisfied with these information provided above. I appreciate if you  like and share my posts to you circle. Please don't forget to comment your ideas and thoughts. If you have further confusion then please comment. Thanks for reading.

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