Monday 18 December 2017

Seven terrifying facts about human Brain.

Our brain is a miracle machine. It is very different from animals as well as computers. It has unlimited storage capacity. It has a very complex networks of neurons working in a simultanious way. Every sense in you body is connected to your brain. A brain never sleeps. It works without stopping and hanging entire life of a living being. It processes billions of data in a second. But do you know that your brain is also a killer machine. Let us know some killer facts about brain that will blows your mind.

1.Your brain is cannibal: 

Yes, it's horrifying but its true. Your brain utilises upto 20% of your body energy and always remains hungry.

"If your stomach is empty or proper amount of energy is not producing in your body for a long time,then your brain started to eat it's own cells and cells of your body for producing energy or living alive".

2.Too much or improper sleep harms your brain:

 Sleeping is necessary but to a limited extent. Too much of sleep can harm your brain as

"During the sleep, the activity of your brain increases too much which in case your brain started to utilise more energy and also due to this your brain started to ageing quickly".

You must have experienced that when you sleep too much or when your sleep is incomplete you feel tired or you are in the state of sleeping and awakeing which is commonly known as "Lazyness".

3.Your Brain can make you mad anytime:

 Sounds weird but it's true. Your brain can make you mad anytime.

 "As there are some chemicals in the brain which when activated by some means (like by taking some drugs you can activates these chemicals) can cause serious hallucinations and fears in your brain".

These chemicals in your brain are so powerful that they can make you feel of those objects or things which are not present there. You must have feel sometime as when you woke up from your sleep in day you started to see some dreams which seems to be quite true.

4.Your brain doesn't shows you the reality:

 Your brain is misguiding you. It doesn't shows you the truth ever and never will. Whatever you are seeing with your eyes are not real. Yes, all those things in this world are fake.

Scientists have proved that the light that is falling onto your retina of your eyes are 2 dimensional. But how we see objects in 3D?  There is only one simple answer.

"Your brain actually modifies or manipulates these 2 dimensional figures into 3 dimensional figures. And you see the world in 3 dimensional".

So it is clear from above that whatever you are seeing in the world in 3D are only a hallucination of your brain.

5.Don't panic pain is not real:

 Actually, on the basis of some observations and results the scientists have identified or proved that the pain is not real, it is just a hallucination of your brain.

"Our brain doesn't contain pain sensing cells. Our brain only sends the pain signals when it thought that your life is in danger, that is why after sending these pain signals to the whole body your brain keep itself away from the pain".

As you must heard or saw that in brain surgeries a person remains consesious because your brain doesn't feel pain or it has no pain sensing cells or pain receptors.

6.Your brain is selfish:

 We all are selfish at some extent. And it is important too, because we must take care of ourselves, we must reward ourselves and we must think about ourselves.

"Whenever there is any danger, your brain first protect itself not you. As whenever you got any deadly mental strike, your brain erases those incidents and memories related to those accidents quickly, which in turn sometime causes the problem of memory loss. 
In deep injury or trauma your brain started to shut down those parts of your body which are not vital for your survival like intestines, stomach, liver, hands, legs, etc. In this case your brain is still alive but your body becomes completely immovable. This state is also called "coma".

7.Speed of time depends on your brain:

The speed of time for every person is depends on the person's brain.

"When our brain started to concentrate on any thing then time does not matter for it. That's why whenever you are doing your favourite work like playing your favourite game, watching your favourite show, listening your favourite music you feel that only some minutes have passed, but in reality hours have been passed. In addition if you are not doing your favourite works then you feel that hours have been passed but in reality only few minutes have been passed".

From the above discussion we can conclude that;

"nobody's brain is in his/her control but we are in the control of our brain".

But if somehow we could able to control our brain, then we can win the whole world. What do you think? Comment below.

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