Friday 8 December 2017

Top 10 Strangest places on Earth.

The Earth is a beautiful place to live in. It is our home. It has many beautiful and wondering places. Form the roof of the world (Mt. Everst) to the deepest  trench (Marianas Trench), the Earth is wonderful. But there are some places on this planet which are unexplored and mysterious. These places are so odd that one cannot understand easily. So let's go and explore some of them.

10.Area 51: 

Most of us have heard about Area 51. Actually it is a military Base for U.S. army where they conduct many types of military operations. It was a lake in past years but after the incident of Rosewell u.f.o. crash, the U.S. army turned it  into military Base.
Now this place is become mysterious, common peoples are not allowed to enter in area 51 expect for those who are military and government officials.

 Some people says that if you tries to enter in this place you will kidnapped by the aliens or some says that there are aliens who are con ducting some fatal experimenters. The poeples who had ever visited on this place and survived tell very strange stories about their encounter with the aliens. Many mysterious events had happen in area 51 in past few years which makes him the most mysterious place on earth.


 It is the one of those places on the planet earth that confuses the people between the science and supernatural. It is situated between the three islands namely, Floridia's southern tip, Bermuda and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The Bermuda triangle is infamous for engulfing the ships and aeroplanes without any trace. Most of the ships and aeroplanes that has drowned into its stomach have been never found again.

Many scientists explain these accidents on the basis of science, but they failed. Scientists says that in this area there are huge magnetic fields that causes the electrical instruments to stop working properly which causes the crashing of aeroplanes and drowning of ships. Some scientists says that the Bermuda triangle contains a huge amount of methane beneath it's floor which causes the hallocination of crews and due to this they crash. However these theories were proved wrong later and still the Bermuda triangle is the most mysterious place on the earth. I don't think that you will go to Bermuda, Florid or San Juan in you vacations and honeymoons.

8.Hanging Garden of Babylon: 

It was the seven wonders of the world. world The hanging gardens were known for its remarkable feat of engineering which contains a wide variety of trees, shrubs, herbs and vines. The garden was looks like a big mountain constructed on mud bricks. The hanging garden is one of that ancient wonders for location has not been identified. You can get more information about it at wikipedia

7.The Great Pyramids of Giza: 

The great Pyramids of Giza was costruct between 2589 and 2504 BC. The trio of pyramids at Giza is so much fimilar that it can be easy to forget how unusual they really are. Since due to its height (461 ft or 146m) it was impossible to make such a huge monument in 14th century so it became a mystery how this huge and heavy bvuilding was built by the Egeptcians at that time.

6.The Nazca lines:

 I think you were heard about the Nazca lines. These mysterious drawings of animals in Nazca desert are now considered as a world heritage site in southern Peru. These mysterious geoglyphs in Peru decipt spiders, monkeys, plants and other figure. No one knows why the prehistoric Nazca culture makes these lines. Archeologists thought that they may have made these lines for their rituals or linking upto constellations in t0he sky. But what is the truth nobody knows.

5.Easter lslands:

 The huge carvings on Easter Islands are about 40 ft tall. There are about 1000 of them are present. Their whole bodies are buried in the earth expect the head. It remains a mystery that how they have moved this heavy sculpture into that place. One theory says that they have walked on stone platforms.

4.Angkor Wat:

 Anglo Wat is a religious monument built between A.D. 1113 and 1150. It's towers meant to reflect the mythological Hindu mountain Mount Meru and temple was built in the honor of Hindu God Vishnu. It was transformed into a bhuddist site after before several hundred years.


why it was built for? For making a graveyard? A ufo landing site? A gaming site?

Okay, we don't know the purpose of building. These structures was built by the farmers and herders around 5000 years ago and continue to build it over period of 700 years.They left no written records behind, only they left was a circle of striking stones near what is today called Salisbury England.

2.The city of Atlantis:

 A map in 1669 by Athanasius Kirchner shows the Atlantis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Now no one knows about Atlantis and where it is situated. Some people's thought that it is actually just a legend? But many of the peoples thought that there was a peaceful utopia that sunk beneath the sea in time immemorial, and they tries to pinpoint it in spots all over the world. Even the Google Earth once shows this city with a data glitch that created a gridlije pattern on the ocean floor. Some thought that it might be the lost city of Atlantis.

1.Loch Ness: 

This is a beautiful lake in which a monster is living! It is situated in the Highlands of Scotland. This lake become  famous after the sightings of  a monster. It is 755 ft (230m) deep and has a surface area of 21.8 Sq. miles (56.4 Sq. km).

In 1933, in an article there shows a monster's photographs which was lurking out of Lake. It was enough to spare rumors. However in 1934 a photograph of long necked lake monster was revealed which makes this lake famous for explorers.

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