Thursday 7 December 2017

10 Strangest things in the Universe.

Universe is big and most undiscovered place for us. Everything here seems energetic and moving. We have only discovered 5% of its parts, about 95% of its parts are still undiscoverable and mysterious for us. But do you know that there are still several things in the Universe which are strange and odd and cannot be explained by scientific laws. These things seems to beyond the science. So let's know some of them.

10.Hypervelocity Stars:

Most of us see shooting stars at night. But is these are always a shooting stars at night ?. The answer is "no". Yes, because some of them are hypervelocity stars. These are the big fiery balls of burning gas (bigger than our sun) travelling in the space with millions of miles per hour.

"When the binary star system is attracted by the tremendous gravity of supper massive black holes at the centre of a galaxy, one of the two partner is consumed by the black hole while another one is ejected at very very high speed (upto billions of km/hr) into the space".

Imagine how it will look like, a huge star (four times larger than the sun) hurtling out from our galaxy at a speed of millions of miles per hour.

9.The Hell Planet:

Meet the hell in our universe. This planet is a real hell for the mankind. Everything on this planet seems to kill you. This is called the Gliese 581c.

This planet orbit a red dwarf star which is many times smaller than our Sun with a very low luminosity of 1.3% that of our sun. This planet is also very closer to its star.
Because if this it gets stuck in the state of tidal locking, in which one side of a planet is facing it's star while other side is far away from it - just like the relationship of our moon with earth.

Due to the tidal locking of this planet you can experience  some very odd climatic conditions of this planet. Since one side is always facing it's star, you will experience very hot temperature and planet will melt your face off while it's opposite side, you got freeze instantly. However scientists have theorised that in between these two extreme conditions there exists a small belt where the temperature and condition is suitable for sustaining the life.

However living on Gliese 581c would have its own challenges. Since it is orbiting a red dwarf star, which means that it always emits infrared lights, bathing the entire sky of this planet with helish red colour. Another thing is that the photosynthesizing plants would have to adapt to the constant bombardment of IR-RADITION, which gives them a deep black colour looking like haunted planet in the Universe. Really this planet is a real hell.

8.The Castor System:

You have heard about binary star system, in which two stars orbit each other with a very high speed. They are interlocked due to their huge gravitional force. 

But there is also a star system in which five or six stars orbits each other. This is called The castor system.

In Gemini constellation, one of the two bright have very high luminosity. Thus is due to the castor system. Here three bright stars with binary star system orbit each other with two hot and bright A-Type stars has got stuck ed in the system as well as  four M-Type red dwarves forming a castor system. They give out 52.4 times more luminosity than our Sun.

7.The Space Rum:

Well of course it sounds weird of the weirdest.

But scientists have been studying a dust cloud near the centre of our galaxy "Milkyway" for past few years.

They found that it smells as rum and taste as raspberries since it consists of ethyl formate, which gives raspberries their taste and rum it's different smell. They named it Sagittarius B2.

This large cloud consists of trillion, trillion litres of the stuff. The formation of this cloud is still a mystry for science.

6.The planet Burning with ice:

It has been clear from it name that it is a strange planet. It is also situated in the same solar system of Gliese 581c, that we have talked above.

It's name is Gliese 436b. It is entirely made up of ice (or you can say birning ice) with the surface tempreature of 439 degree Celsius. The reason that this ice stays solid is due to the presence of huge amount of water on this planet. Since the gravity pulls the water down towards the core, which keeps the water molecules  so densely packed that they cannot evaporate.

5.The Diamond Planet:

Ahh...!!!!! Finally we got a planet fit for Bill Gates. The name of this planet is 55 Cancri e - which is entirely made up of diamond or we can say crystallised diamond, which would be price at 26.9 nonillion dollars. This  is a planet that even sikander and ghangeez khan would dream to live about at night.

This planet was once a star in a binary system, until it's partner started to cannibalise it. However, this star was not able to pull itit's carbon core away and the carbon is just a tons of heat and pressure away to transform into a pure diamond. It's surface tempreature is about 1648 degrees Celsius which is perfect for forming a diamond planet.

About one third of the mass of this planet is said to be pure diamond. As compared to earth, which is covered with water and oxygen, this planet is made mainly of graphite, diamond and few other silicates materials.

This planet is two times bigger than the earth and its mass is about eight times larger than the earth.

4.The Himiko Cloud:

If you want to know the origin of primitive galaxies then Himiko Cloud is a right thing for your research.

The Himiko Cloud is the most massive thing in our early universe that has ever discovered.And it's age was about 800 million years after the Big Bang to till date. It always astounds the scientists with its huge size, roughly around the half of our Milkyway galaxy.

Himiko means "reionization epoch", or the period between 200 million years to one billon years after the Big bang. It is also known as "Giant Mystery Blob".

3.The universe's  biggest water reservoir:

Ever wondering about the largest water slide in the universe. How cool it will ! Isn't it?. The universe's largest reservoir resides inside the centre of a quasar.

It contains  about 140 trillion times the out of water in the ocean of the earth. It is found near the colossal black hole at the centre of this quasar. But! Please don't  be so excited for your water slide ride because the water found here is in the form of massive cloud of gas which extends to several hundred light years in diameter- sounds bad! Sorry guys you can't  ride there.

The black hole there is about twenty billion times larger than the size of our sun and is constantly throwing out a huge amount of energy into the space which is equivalent to the energy produced by the 1000 trillion suns.

2.The Largest Electrical Current in the Universe:

Few years ago scientists discovered an electrical current of cosmic properties: 10^18 ps, or roughly one trillion lightning bolts. Thi's is so huge amount of power that serve the mankind upto billions and billions of years.

The lightning was obtained from a super massive black hole in the centre of a galaxy, which has a core of "huge cosmic jet". Due to the black hole's huge magnetic field a huge induction was set up and created this tremendous amount of gigantic lightning travelled through gas and dust to a distance of over 150,000 light years. Thi's single lightning bolt was the one and half times the size of our Milkyway.

1.The Large Quasar Group(LQG):

The LQG is the most bizarre thing in the universe. It is a group of  others large and small quasars . Our size of Milkyway is about 1000 lightyears. It means that if any event happens in the far side of our galaxy then it would take 1000yr to reach the other side of our galaxy. 
This means that if we watch an event take place at the other side of our galaxy, it actually happen when the human species was just started to form.

Now if we measured in time and multiply it by forty thousand, then the size of LQG is about four billion light years approx. It is the cluster of seventy - four quasars which breaks the laws of standard astrophysics, since the max size of any celestial body should be not more than 1.2 billion light years.

Scientists have no idea how this gigantic structure was formed but they give a theory which states that, when viewed from distance, the universe would look relatively uniform. Thi's is the most strangest and oddest structure in our universe that look over at our galaxy and, saying proudly "I AM THE ONE".

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