Friday 8 December 2017

Seven big facts about the deadly star system Eta Carinae.

A star in homunculus Nebula is dying. It looks angry and it seems to destroy anything that comes in its path. It has stretched it's deadly hands half a light years from its centre and getting  bigger all the time. It is swelling outwards at 1.5 miles per hour. The The name The name of The name of this The name of this beast is eta carine. It is a binary star system of two huge stars orbiting each other. These stars complete their revolution in every 5.5yrs.
When astronomers tries trieste identify its facts they found something intresting intresting and intresting and this is:-

1. The biggest star of eta carinae is about 90 times the mass of the sun, while the smaller one is 30 times as massive. If they put together their luminosity would be equal to 6 million times that of our sun.

2. If you put the biggest star of eta carinae in the centre of our solar system then it would stretched beyond the earth's orbit.

3. The Homunculus Nebula was not visible  to the people until 1840, when one of the star in eta carinae exploded and ejected enough stuff that was suitable to make 10 brand brand new stars equal to the size of our sun. But the rejected material turned into nebula instead of stars.

4. In its 1840, an eruption in eta carinae was so bright that it can be seen as the brightest star in the sky at that time even though it is 7,500 ly away from us.

5. These two stars are still spewing out materials in the form of stellar wind. They are shrinking slowly as they are loosing masses into outer space. The speed of stellar wind is about 7 million miles per hour which heats the gases to 10 million degrees.

6. When the astronomers put the x ray data taken by HST into super computers they found that the cosmic-gale-force winds shape - shift as the stars pull away and come back together.

7. Some scientists thoughts that the eta carinae will burst into a supernova in near future. So you can see  a deadly supernova coming soon.

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