Monday 8 January 2018

How to increase traffice on blog.

Blogger is a healthy platform for newbies who wants to make carrier in blogging. It gives you a healthy start to your blog and it is easy to understand too. One can easily customize their blog appearence, design, pages, posts and ads in blogger. It is an integral part of Google since August 23, 1999.

Although many peoples do hard work on this platform for a long time but becomes frustrated when they saw that their blog is not seen by much visitors or their traffice is too low. And this is one of the major reason that makes that person for quitting the blogging and their blogging carrier ends with a hell. That's it everything has gone no one is alive please help!

Don't worry about that, it is a common problem for many of us. And you know well that every problem has its own solution. In this topic some methods have been explained in order to increase the traffice on your blog.

So Let's Explore..................................................

Write a good quality content

One of the major reason for your low traffice is that, your content is not good. Write your content in clear and understandable language. Don't copy the content of others. Always write your content in sufficient words and give proper headings and sub headings in your content. Use proper grammar rules during the writing of your content. Also use proper examples to define any term clearly. Use proper images to define your terms.

Always remember that your niche (content) should be intresting and unique which can entertain your visitors. This will helps in the ranking of your blog in the search engines as, when your visitors stay for a long time on your blog then the google or any other search engine ranks your blog higher on the basics of watch time (bounce rate) of your blog.

Write contents on trending topics

Try to write posts on those topics which are in trend, weather it is tech category, fashion, education, sports, beauty, mystry, astronomy or many more. For example, if you are writing your post in tech category, then choose that one, which is in trend, like gadget's launching events, new upcoming product, Samsung galaxy note 7 explosion, etc.

Also read: why Smartphone's battery Explode. 

So choose those topics that are most searchable on search engines. You can use google's news feed in Google search to find those topics easily.

Understand your visitors

If you are an experienced blogger then you know it clearly, that understanding your visitors is how much important for your blog. It is the key factor for your success in blogging. For example, if you are writing contents on technology and your visitors are intrested in sports rather than technology then after a while they will started to leave your blog and slowly you will loose your traffic. So write down the posts on those topics in which your visitors are intrested.

Properly define your blog

It is a common mistake that is done by many blogger's time to time. You have to properly define your blog. It means you have to tell your visitors that what you serve on your blog and in which category your blog belongs to.

For example, if your blog belongs to tech category and you started to write down your posts on sports, then slowly your visitors who loves to read tech articles on your blog will started to leave your blog. So, write down the contents on which your blog is related to.

Write contents in which you can do better

Peoples when saw the comparison of their blogs to the other category, then they started to write down the posts on those topics which is out of their knowledge. They leave their original content and started to write down other contents that are not related to their knowledge.

Remember blogging is a platform where you share your own knowledge, thoughts and opinions so never tries to cheat yourself and your audience, otherwise you will loose your audiences. Always serve your audience a better knowledge that you know.

Proper S.E.O. and ranking your blog

S.E.O. is a general technique and methods which helps to maintain the visibility of your blog on the internet. In S.E.O. you have to do some methods that makes your blog searchable in different search engines. In S.E.O. you have to create backlinks, submit sitemap of your blog to different search engines, submit your blog's url to different site directory,  etc. All this methods will help you to improve your blog's visibility.

Also read: What is S.E.O. a worthy tool for your website, blog and youtube.

For ranking your blog on the internet, create backlinks, redirect your blog address, and share it to your social links. Also do a proper keyword research before choosing a topic. Only choose those key words that are highly searchable on the internet. You can use google's keyword planner in Google adwords to search those keyword. Just go to: to search those keywords.

For example, if you are writing on a topic, let's say, "How to do S.E.O.", and the keyword,"what is S.E.O.", is more searchable on the internet then rename your topic as What is S.E.O. instead of writing How to do S.E.O.

Submit your blog to search engines

Submitting your blog to different search engines tells them that you have a site and wants to be shown on the internet. It is not very hard process, you can do it either manually or automitacally.

For doing automatically, there are various sites like and many more that submit your blog's urls to different search engines. So that the web - crawlers can easily crawl your site.

For doing it manually, just create a sitemap for your blog and submit it to different search engine with the url of your blog. You can simply create the sitemap of you blog at, '".

"A sitemap is generally a xml file which contain a lists of links of a website, blog and web pages".

So these were some tips that can help you to increase the visitors to your blog. If you have any question and suggestion then please comment below and don't forget to share this article to your circle and please subscribe to my blog for more featured posts.

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