Tuesday 16 January 2018

Backlinks: Everything you need to know about.

Many of us want to rank our website in the google's first page but it is not an easy task. You have to apply certain techniques to rank you website on the google's first search results. And these techniques or methods are known as S.E.O.

Generally speaking, in S.E.O. you have to do many types of things like submitting your site to search engines and url directory, sharing it to social media, doing a proper keyword research for your topic and selecting those keywords for your topic, etc.

And out of these methods, one method is very important in S.E.O. and that is, generating backlinks.

So Let's Explore...................................................


"A backlink or backlinks are the reffered links of your website or web content from other websites or web content. A Web content may be website pages, posts and media or any other thing that is available on a website".

So as from the above discussion a backlink is a reffered url of your website from the different website. According to the Google, a backlinks is a key point in ranking your website on the internet.

When any search query is made on a search engine, then the web crawlers or simply known as "Spiders", search for the matching keyword to that query as well as how much backlinks does that website have. When you got backlink from a good website then the chances of your ranking automatically got increased. So backlinks plays a major role in ranking a site.

Common terms used in backlinks

There are some common terms used in backlinks.

• Link juice: A link juice is a type of linking in which a webpage links any article of your website. It helps in the ranking of your Web contents and also helps to improve the domain authority. It can be stopped by using a no-follow tag.

• No-follow link: It is a type of link which contain no-follow tag. When a website links to another website by using no-follow tag, then this link is known as no-follow link. A no-follow link is not useful when you want to rank your website as they does not contribute anything to search engine's web crawler. But the webmasters uses these no-follow tags, when they are linking an unreliable sites.
Examples: links from comments on other blogs.

• Do - Follow link:  A do - follow link is just same as link juice and by default all those links that appears in your blog posts are do - follow link.

• Root domain linking: This means the number of backlinks coming to your website from an unique domain. In this case, if that website has linked your website ten times, then it will only be considered as one linked root domain.

• Low quality links: These are basically the links that comes to your website from a harvested or non - secure website. These types of websites are generally spam sites, automated sites. So be careful when you ate building your backlinks.

• Internal links: As the name suggests, internal links are those links which are found within the pages inside a website or same domain. This process is also known as internal linking.

• Anchor text: When you are linking the text in your website. Then in that case you uses some texts, these texts are known as anchor text. These anchor text cam be proved great when you are generating your backlinks for a particular  keywords.

Advantages in S.E.O.

So from the above disscission we learn about backlinks and it's type. Now if we talk about the advantages of backlinks in S.E.O. then you must know that, a lot of things have changed in past few years about backlinks.

As once there was a time when even low quality links helped to rank a website a lot. But when Google launched its new "Penguin algorithm", then everything related to backlinks got changed.

Also read: "What is S.E.O. :A worthy tool for your website and blog". 

Now it has become important to have backlinks from good sites and those backlinks should be related to your content. For example, if you have a website about cooking, and you are creating backlinks from those sites which have completely different niche (contents), let's say their content is about technology, then your backlinks will be of no use. So your goal should be to get links from those sites which are authoritative and relevant.

Now let's talk about their importance:-

1.It improves organic ranking: The backlinks helps in getting a better search engine rankings.

If your website or contents are getting organic links from sites, then your website or its contents will automatically ranks higher with search engines.

2.It helps in faster indexing: Backlinks are very helpful in faster indexing of your site and its contents such that the search engine bots could discover the links to your site and crawl your site effectively.

3.It helps to get reffered traffice: Backlinks are very important in getting reffered traffice to your website.

Usually a reffered traffice us a targeted traffice and has a low bounce rate.

"A bounce rate is a parameter which indicates the likings of your website or its contents. Usually a low bounce rate means the visitors to your website are spending a lot of time in your website and are loving to read your posts".

How can we create backlinks

Now you have learned the advantages of backlins in S.E.O., by the way creating backlinks for your website or blog is not a very tough method and it does not require to have a techy mind.

So now let's learn some simple methods for generating backlinks to your website or blog. But before we start, you must know that creating the backlinks from some paid services are not going to improve your website's ranking in the world of Internet. You may get penalized by Google's new Penguin's algorithm. So beware!

To create a good quality backlinks for your blog or website you can use the following methods:

1. Write excellent articles.
2. Use broken links building methods.
3. Create guest posts.
4. Comment on different websites or blogs which are relent to your website or blog.
5. Submit your website or content urls to web directories.
6. Sharing is caring.

I hereby going to explain four major methods to create a good quality backlinks to your website and blog. So

1.Write excellent articles: This is one of the best and easy way to get backlinks for your website or blog. If your articles are exxellent then visitor to your blog will naturally links them.

Articles like top ten, tutorials and reviews are the good examples and these types of posts have a good potential of getting backlinks from other websites as a reffered link.

Important note: Please beware, these types of articles are based on proper researches and particals. 

2.commenting: Comments are Comments are the easiest, effective and free way to get backlinks to your website or blog. Only you have to do that, start commenting on other blogs and website which are relent to your website or blog.

Important note: Please do note that, if you comment on the websites or blogs which are irrelevant to your website or blog, then those backlinks will not good for your ranking. As i mentioned above, "to get quality backlinks comment on those websites and blogs which are related to your website or blog. This will automitacally increse the traffice to your blog or website and your blog or website will rank higher in search results".

Also read: "How to increase traffice on your blog".

As per latest news, Commenting with no follow links will not affect your blog or website much. So from now start commenting on blogs or websites and I am sure that you will soon get benefit from some good and excellent link juice.

But please don't do spamming while your are commenting. Provide good comments to others, so that they will trust more on you and your blog or website.

3.Web directories submission: Submitting your blog or website to web directories is an excellent way to get backlinks to your blog or website.

But this method is not very popular, as these days it is not easy to find a legal web directory. You must avoid those web directories which asks you to create a backlinks to their website to submit your website in their directory.

Important note: If you are using any automatic submit ion methods, then stop doing right now. Because automatic website submissions will cause your blog or website to appear as spam and it can be a headache for you. As it may affect your domain name authority and it can cause the complete removal of your blog from search engines.

4.Create guest posts: Guest posts are also an effective way to generate a good quality backlinks to your website or blog.

In guest post you have to provide an article or post to the other websites or blogs which are related to your website or blog. But before these you have to first became a member of those websites or blogs. You can join them via subscribing or asking to the admin of that website or blog, that you also want to become a member of its website or blog.

After that you can start writing your post to their website or blog and give a link to your website to get the backlinks from them.

Important note: Try to write down a good quality article which attract their visitors to your post and in that term if they like your post then they will surely click on the provided link and this will also helps to increase your visitors of your website or blog too.

5.Sharing is caring: Share your posts to social media. Sharing your contents to social media increases organic traffice to your website or blog and the chances of getting backlinks are very-very on social media and this in terms also increases the visitors too.

So this was all about backlinks. If you like this post then please share it to your circle, so that I could also get backlinks too. Also do note that;

"It is not the number of backlinks which is important but the quality of backlinks".

Thanks for reading and Have a nice day :-)

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