Saturday 6 January 2018

Difference Between Core i3, i5 And i7 Processors Explained.

As in Intel and AMD comparison we saw that in price to performance ratio the AMD processors were good in comparison with Intel processors whereas when we talk about higher end segment, the AMD(no doubt that they are good too) processors looses their periphery.

Also see: "Different between AMD and Intel processors".

As in a case of AMD and Intel people often get confused in Intel's processor range also. Intel processors are good for your work when you are building a higher end PC for your workstation. Intel is using the model name core i3, core i5 and core i7, for a long period of time. And these specific models are very good in their category and work. But when you are going to buy an Intel processors then you got a little bit confuse, that what to choose from these models and which one is right for you?

That's why in this topic a deep comparison has been made between for you about these models of Intel's processors, that will help you to choose a right one for you. The one of the most important thing that you need to know about these processors that the naming scheme that you see in these processors. It is a way to separate their CPU range or CPU performance. So simply here:

Intel Core i3: Lower - end or Entry level.
Intel Core i5: Mid-range or Mainstream.
Intel Core i7: High-End.

Also one thing is to be noted that there are different generations of these processors made by Intel. Normally, the newer generations of these processors are capable of performing well than their previous generations and may also have higher clock speed. So in this topic I am also discussing about how to identify these generations? And the terms like Hyper - threading,  Cache - size, Physical cores, Graphics performance, Price and Over - clocking abilities of these processors".

So Let's Explore..................................................

Model Numbers- what is the mystry hidden behind them

Generally, if we are talking about these processors or any other processor brands. They all have one thing common on their own, as they all have different model numbers.

"A model number is a combination of  letters and numbers that defines the generations and abilities of a processor".

As we are talking about model numbers in Intel processors, then we should consider two main points;
• Generations
• End Letters (U,Q,,H and K)

1.Generations: The generation of a processor tells about its performance and efficiency as well as its ability to do work. A generation also tells about the size of the transistors used in the making of a CPU. Generally, Intel reduces the size of their transistors whenever they launches their newer generation of processors. As previous years, Intel uses 28nm of transistors for making their processors, now it uses 14nm of Transistor for making their processors and this is reducing year by year. Also you must know that;

"The smaller the size of Transistor the faster the processor".

This is so because if you decrease the size of a Transistor,  then you can add more Transistors in a processor and this will boost up the processor's speed and efficiency and also the processor will consume less power. So, the more the number of transistors, the faster the CPU will perform.

Identifying Generations

You can identify the generations of these processors by only looking at their first numeral that is given in the model name of that processor. For example, consider a processor, Intel Core i3 -5200, the first number in this model name is 5, it means that it is a 5th generation processor.

 Also do note that, the newer generation 0f Intel processors  does not support windows 7. They only support higher version of windows like, windows 8, 8.1 and 10 or windows 10 pro.

An useful tip: The other three digit of these processors indicates their performance. For example, a processor Core i3-5350 is better than Core i3 -5200. 

What does core i7, i5 and i3 mean

Intel launches their newer generations of i3,i5 And i7 processors, time to time. But the peoples often confuses about their performance and number of cores they have. Don't worry it's not so hard that you thought.

Simply and purely speaking, core i7 is better than core i5 and core i5 is better than core i3 (i7 <i5 <i3). But if you go deeper and deeper you got little bit confuse. As first of all core i7 does not means it is a seven-core processor. These are only just naming scheme that indicates their performance.

Generally, core i3 series of processors have dual cores whereas core i5 has quad cores and core i7 has quad or octa-cores. Normally,

"Quad-Cores are better than Dual-Cores and Octa-cores are better than both Quad-Cores and Dual-Cores".

2.End-Letters (Q,U,H,Y,T and K): The Intel has changed their naming lists. The model number typically have one or more combination of the following letters namely: U, Y, T , H, K and Q. Of course, you are now thinking about what does they mean? So here is your solution;

• U: Ultra Low Power- These are the processors that draw less power and provide an optimum performance and better battery life. Thus they are power efficient. The U rating processors are generally used in laptops.

Y: Low Power- These processors were generally found in the older generation of laptops and mobile processors.

• T: Power Optimized- These are the processors that are generally used in desktops.

• Q: Quad-Core- These category of processors have Quad-Cores or four cores. Generally, letter 'Q', indicates Four cores or Quad-Cores.

• H: High - Performance Graphics: The processors of this category have Intel's better high performance GPU or graphics.

• K: The letter 'K', indicates that the given processors can be over-clocked or you can increase its clock speed or frequency.

So I hope that you have understand well about the basics of identifying the Intel processors only by looking at their model names. So now let's know about some basic terms that are common in the processor world.


As you know now, Intel writes the letter U and Q for indicating the number of physical cores in their processores. So now the question arises that, Is there any other type of core available in the processors? The answer to this question is, 'Hyper-Threading'.

'A Hyper-Threading is a technique or method in which the operating system understands that a (dual core, quad core,  octa core or or any other core ) CPU has more cores than the given physical cores. Thus making the processing power more efficient and effective".

In nutshell, Hyper-Threading allows a single physical core to act as a dual virtual cores. This makes the processing more efficient because during this process the multiple tasks are processed simultaneously, without activating the other core and this in terms consumes less power which saves more battery in a system.

Also read: "What is processor binning".

If both physical cores of the processor are active and Hyper-Threading is enabled, then those four virtual core ( two virtual cores of one physical core) will help to process a task faster. However, it is important to note that a physical core is more faster than a virtual core. So it means;

"A quad-core CPU will be faster and perform much better than a Dual-Cores CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled".

Generally, core i3 and core i7 series of the processors are Hyper-Threading enabled whereas core i5 does not support Hyper-Threading feature.

Over - clocking

Over clocking a CPU means increasing its processor speed. The speed of the processor is measured in Gigahertz (Ghz) or Megahertz  (Mhz).

"Over - clocking is a technique in which an user can increase or decrease the processing speed of a given processor than the default normal range provided by the manufacturer".

In some specific models of Intel and in AMD processors, you got an option of increasing the speed of their processors than the default normal range that is provided by the manufacturer.

It is very easy to identify a processor that support overclocking. Only you have to do this, look at the given model number carefully, if the last letter ends with 'K', then that means the processor is overclockable. For example, In AMD 6400K, here K indicates that this processor is overclockable.

However if you are going to overclocking a CPU then you must invest in a better cooling system, because an over clocked CPU produces more heat than the normal one and also you must have to buy a compatible motherboard that supports overclocking feature. Overclocking is useful only when you are going to do some resource intensive tasks like gaming, rendering 2D or 3D graphics, editing sound videos and images, etc. However, if you are only going to do casual browsing and MS Office, then there is no need of overclocking.

In Intel processors range the core i3 does not support overclocking whereas core i5 and i7 support overclocking.

Cache Memory

Just like RAM, the cache memory of a processor is its own memory or RAM. And it is one of that thing which is ignored by many of us during the performance checking of a processor. A cache memory is a very small memory, roughly upto 512KB to 14MB (it generally depends on the model of the processor you are purchasing) but it is a vey fast memory. This memory of the processors are used for storing the data about the frequently running programmes and softwares. This memory is a fixed memory and you cannot increase or decrease it.

As we know that, the size of the RAM matters a lot. So as RAM the size of cache memory also matters a lot. As, "the more the cache size will be, the more faster the processor will process a task". Generally, the size of cache memory in core i3 is upto 3MB, core i5 is between 3MB to 6MB and core i7 is between 4MB to 8MB.


Every processors of the Intel family comes with its right hand, that is an 'integrated graphics'. Again Intel has customised it's integrated graphics family with its confusing naming scheme. There are three levels of graphical processing unit in Intel family and they are;

• Intel HD
• Intel Iris
• Intel Iris Pro

You will find model names like Intel HD 520, Intel Iris Pro 580 and Intel Iris 550. These model names of integrated graphics family of Intel can make you little bit confuse now. Lets see an example;

Here Intel HD 520 is an entry level integrated graphics and Intel Iris 550 is better than Intel HD 520, but also an entry level integrated graphics. But Intel HD 530 is a high end graphics and is better than Intel Iris 550. However, Intel Iris Pro is also a high end integrated graphics and is better than Intel HD 530.

Only a way to solve this confusion is that, look at the model name of the processor. If it ends with H, then you are choosing a right one for you because it contains best integrated graphics of Intel's family.

Comparing Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7

You have learn some basic differences if these three processors. Now let's take a quick look or summary of these processors. Here turbo boost means overclocking.

So here you can understand it clearly about each of these processors, that what are their uses for your requirnments. So generally speaking,

• Core i3: An entry level processor for basic users only. Good for whom who are building or buying a budget desktop and laptops and wants a Desent performance at lowest price. It is a desent processor for casual uses like net suffering, using MS Office,making video calls, watching videos and movies listening to music and playing a lower end or mid-range games. You can play high end games but you have to invest in a good Graphics card but must remember that if you are a heavy gamer or a professional user, then, The Core i3 
is not that what you are looking for.

• Core i5: Intermediate users only. This processor is for those who wants a balance performance at an adequete price. Good for gaming if you buy a HQ or a Q model processors with a good Graphics card.

• Core i7: This processor fits for those, who are professionals and do some resource intensive tasks like high end gaming at higher fps, rendering graphics, editing sound videos and photos, creating simulations etc.  This is the best processor from the Intel family that you can get right now.

The Conclusion

We have seen now the basic differences between these processors. The requirment of processor mainly depends upon two things and that are, budget and uses. So now from the above disscission we can easily conclude now that:

If your requirnments are only limited to casual uses and you are not going to do much intensive works on our PC, then the Core i3 is more than enough. But if we want a good performance at the good price the core i5 is more than enough but if you want an excellent and mind-boggling performance then, The Core i7 is what you are looking for.

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