Thursday 30 November 2017

Tips To Earn Online

Many of us wants to earn money. Well of course! it is not so easy. It consumes some efforts and time and requires hardwork, patients and dedication to earn some bucks.

Weather it is to earn online or offline(means you are doing a job,working in a company or a simple shopkeeper. It all requires a lot of patience and hardwork to earn.

For earning all you have to follow the same rule and that is "DO WORK AND EARN".

Online earning also follows the same ideology and it requires some basic idea of Internet that you know very well.
Now here i  am going to tell you some best and widely accepted tips to earn money online.

So Let's Get Started.......

1. Affliaite Marketing:

When you goes to a shop and the shopkeeper ask from you that, go and tell the customers about my shop's products as i will give you a little comission on my products when any customer (come to the shop via you) buy a product from my shop.
"An affiliate marketing is an advertising program in  which any person advertises a company's products via the affiliate links provided by the companies itself and after the purchase of that product he/she gets little comission".
Affiliate marketing is a best and easy way to earn some money. There are many affiliate programs running on the internet. some of the famous affiliate programs are:-
You have to create your account with your email/phone number and provide your bank details to participate in affiliate programs.
2. Blogging:

It is a very unique and best way to earn money online. Blogging is a very instresting platform to share your thoughts and passion to the peoples. and it is a good place for earning money also. Many big peoples and celebrities use blog to share their thoughts and stories. 
Blogging is a very good place to earn bucks. You can earn money via advertisments (which are shown by google on your blog) as well as via affiliate marketing on blogging. All you have to do is, create your blogging account and link it to advertise broadcasting companies like adsense.
After that adds will be shown on your blog posts and you will get ad revenue when viewer clicks on ad banners.
The cpc(clicks rates) rates are higher in blogs and websites and you can earn a good income from it.
You can create your blog on blooger and wordpress but wordpress will be a good choice for creating a blogger account as because you will get upto 68% ad revenue as compared to 55% on blogger but do note that blogger is more secure than wordpress.
Please do note that that don't copy the contents of others and don't use the abusive words and images in your blog otherwise your blog will be terminated by the servers.
3. Websites:

 A website is a place where we find many useful and intresting stuffs. A website requires two things to rum,  one is domain name and other is hosting. A website is a mean of communication, data sharing and doing business. There are many types of websites like educational (.edu), commercial(.com), country dependent(.in,.ru,.jp,....), governmental(.gov), etc.
You can create you own website on both blogger and wordpress. It can be free (with limited features) and paid with all features unlocked. You can also create your website on godaddy and bedrock.
A website also work in same manner as blog. Ads will be shown on your websites and you will get revenue on per ad clicks.

 Yes it is right you can also earn through the YouTube. You can earn on YouTube by creating a youtube channel and joining the YouTube partner program. You can create your youtube channel by signing in to your Gmail on after signing in go to the creator studio for join the YouTube partner program.
After doing all stuffs all you have to do is, upload your videos on your channel and after reaching 10k views (as per new youtube channel policies) ads will be shown on your videos and you will get revenue of those ads.
Please note that the videos you are uploading on your channel should not contain any copyrighted material, abusive or sexual contents and should not violate youtube term conditions in any way.
Shortlinks: These are basically an url shorter or links shrink services. You may have heard about a popular Google search i.e. which loads very fast on slow networks. This is a short link of
These services are free as well as paid (which pays you). These services puts ad on the shorten links for few seconds and after watching ad the user can go to the original link. The payment is between $0.1-$0.5. Some paid shortlinks services are and
Sponserships: These are basically a promotion of the product of a comany. In this case a company ask you to promote their products on your websites youtube channel and it gives you some money to promote their products. It is not an easy eay to earn money via this method because it is very hard to get a sponserships unless you have a good traffic on you sites, blog or youtube channel.

Others: Beside these four best options there are some alternate options for earning online like becoming a freelancer, online data entry jobs, Logo designer, website designer and many more. But these are the best options in my opinion, although you are free to choose which one is suits you better.

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