Thursday 30 November 2017

Difference between Adsense hosted and non hosted accounts???....

"Adsense is a platform which keeps the data of your online earnings from your websites, blogs and most famous youtube"

We all know how to create an adsense account. If you have a gmail account then you only have to sign up to your gmail and link your websites, blogs or youtube to it.

Adsense is own by the google and i think most of us don't  know about that the adsense provides two types of accounts. They are :- 

1. Adsense for hosting contents/account and
2. Adsense for non-hosting contents/account.

So what is the difference between adsense's hosting and non-hosting accounts? Is there any difference between revenue sharings and cpc rates for hosted and non-hosted adsense accounts? Lets try to answer these questions
1. Adsense for hosted contents/accounts: Since  youtube and blogger is owned by google so if you make an accounts on these and link them with your adsense, then these account are known as adsense for hosting contents/accounts (because the hosting here is provided by google). 

2. Adsense for non-hosted contents/accounts: If you have a website and if you have  buy a hosting and link it to  your adsense, then this type of account is known as adsense for non-hosted contents/accounts (because the hosting here is not provided by the google).

Revenue split: The revenue split differs for both accounts as:-  

1. For hosted contents/accounts: For hosted contents the revenue split is about same as google's revenue policies because both youtube and blogger is owned by the google. It is about 55% for content creators and 45% for google.       

2. For non-hosted contents/accounts: In non-hosted contents the revenue split is about 68% for creators(website owners and bloggers) and 32% for google.    

Cost per click rates(cpc rates): The cpc rates are also  different in both categories as: 

   1. For hosted contents/accounts: For hosted contents/accounts the cpc is about $0.1-$0.10on both youtube and blogger.

1. For non-hosted contents/account: The cpc rates are different for non-hosted contents/accounts. It is about $0.5-$0.50 for websites and blogs.   

I hope that you have learned aout  adsense and its account clearly if you have any furthur doughts or questions then please comment below, i will try my best to solve them. 


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