Saturday 14 July 2018

The Biggest Lunar Eclipse Of The Century.

Whenever we heard about any cosmic event, we became excited. Our mind started to think that how it would be going to happen and when? We are living on a small and beautiful blue planet that is surrounded by stars, asteroids, moons galaxies, planets and cosmic dusts. We are the part of this incredible world that is full of beauty and mystries.

So now this event is the small part of those magical event that is upcoming to us. And it is the called as "one of the biggest Lunar Eclipse of this century".  So today here we will discuss all the possible exceptions that will happen at "27-28 July".

So Let's get started...............................................

According to scientists, the partial eclipse will being at 11:54pm (as per Indian Standard Time) on 27 july and after that the Moon will slowly will covered by the Earth's shadow. On 28 July the total phrase will get started at 1:00am.

The Lunar Eclipse will last long upto 1h:43min or may be 2h:43min, which is one of the longest lunar eclipse of this century. The Moon will started to come out of Earth's shadow and partial eclipse will end at 3:49am IST on July 28.

In this special eclipse the Moon will pass through the central part of the Earth's Umbra. After that, the Moon will be at apogee(the farthest distance of the moon around the Earth's orbit) and will move at slower speed in the Earth's orbit. So in this case the slower moving Moon will take longer time to come out from the Earth's Umbra.

Now you may have thinking that, was there any other incident had occured in the past? Your answer to this question is "YES".  On July 16,2000 a lunar eclipse had happened with a total duration of 1h:46m and other one on june 15,2011 with a duration of 1h:40m.

The entire eclipse will also be visible from other parts of the world like, Australia, Asia, Russia -- except the northern part, Africa, Europe, east of South America and Antarctica.

On July 27, another big event is going to happen.

'The God of War "Mars" & The king of our solar system "Sun",will come opposition to each other', capturing the Earth in the middle'.

This will reduces the distances between the red planet and blue planet which will cause the Mars to appear brighter than the normal. And you can see this event form evening to dawn.

The Mars will remain very close to the eclipse of the Moon on 27-28 July and can be spotted very easily with the naked eye. However, the Mars will reach closest to the Earth on 31 July.

If you want to know the history of this event then, in August 2003, the Mars had came closest to the Earth and shines brighter than the normal. So in July 31, the Mars will come closer tot he Earth again and shines brighter than the normal since 2003.

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